Parish Nurse

Parish Health Ministry Mission Statement:
That all may know Christ's healing love, we minister to the mind, body, and spirit of His Church.

Following the directive established by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, St. John's Lutheran Church has developed a Parish Health Ministry to address increasing health related needs.
This caring ministry will assist in meeting the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the members. The ministry will be led by a Michigan Licensed Registered Nurse.

Jesus always ministered to the whole person. The goal of the Parish Health Ministry is to emulate His example and help members build a relationship with Christ in sickness as well as in health.

The Parish Nurse does not perform home health care or invasive procedures. Instead they help promote health, wellness and healing with a spiritual focus. 

Our Parish Nurse, Carol Malewska, RN, has an office located in the church. To contact her, call St. John's Lutheran Church at 989-224-6796


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